Laurent Remels - Curriculum Vitae
Tech : J2EE web application. Achievements : Gather project requirements, write specifications for developers, coordinate work, control quality, planning and budget. I choose to shorten here the detailed enumeration of projects. A series of other projects precede the above. Prior projects are all web applications or web sites developed for : Mobistar (telco), Great-er (environmental risk assessment), Nonet (civil engineering), ECETOC (toxicology of chemicals), Design in Belgium (self-initiative), Belgian Beer Confederation, Espo (europen sea ports organisation), Brussels port, Waddington Data Documents (computer papers), Thrid Party Financing (European Community), etc... Other experiences, prior to ITC career: ➔ Meubles Concept . From 1993 to 1997 interior architect. From A to Z, sales, interior and furniture design, production control. ➔ Lazuli . From 1991 to 1993 product designer. Ceramic lighting and decorative items. Laurent REMELS Mobile / WhatsApp: +32 476 441 459 Skype : lremels Curriculum Vitae - 2020-01-09 12/12
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